Over the years, I've been very fortunate to receive some glowing reviews and testimonials for my work as a massage therapist, educator, speaker, and business & marketing coach.
Besides making me smile big, getting reviews and testimonials can also help potential clients to make the decision to purchase my books or courses, hire me as a speaker or schedule a coaching session. You may not realize it, but, reviews also give existing clients confidence that they have made the right choice in working with me.
But will they ever see the reviews?
In my world, YES! When I get a positive review or testimonial I look for ways to spread the news and impact. Here are a few ways you can use/re-use the reviews you get.
Post on Facebook and other social media sites. Be sure to include a picture of your facility, yourself or that illustrates what a special experience you provide. If you provide coaching or online services like I do, it may make more sense to post a picture of your client (with permission of course!)
Add to your website. This can be on a special "testimonials" page/section or intermixed around your services, bio, or other information.
Include in a newsletter or blog. Include links to review sites where you'd like the reader to post their own reviews.
Post in your business. Reviews can make for an interesting read in a guest book or "brag board" in your waiting area.
Don't be afraid to ask for feedback about what you do. Even a negative review here and there can give you helpful feedback and insights into how to make your business better.
After I work with a coaching client for a session or package, I will ask for their feedback and comments. I use a list of carefully crafted questions to determine why they would recommend me to others, how I helped them, and what they liked most about working with me.
Here's a recent testimonial from a new client:

"In our very first session, Felicia really listened to me and reflected back to me what I was saying. She helped me create some frequently asked questions and answers for my website based on what she heard me say. Felicia also offered me sound advice on how to set up my coaching packages, and how to get testimonials from clients. I would highly recommend Felicia to anyone who is starting a new coaching business or looking to grow their existing business."
Darryl Rodgers
Family Recovery Coach